A warm welcome to you all from our Vicar the Reverend Stuart Jermy. Vicarage Tel No: 77 8468    Mobile: 07766255436

Email: sjvicar@btinternet.com  Please contact the vicar by phone or Email to arrange a time to meet to talk to him about wedding or baptism bookings. The Vicar’s day off is on Thursdays .Thank you.


Collect for The Second Sunday of Epiphany:

Almighty God,

In Christ you make all things new:

Transform the poverty of our nature by the riches of your grace,

And in the renewal of our lives

Make known your heavenly glory;

Through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,

Who is alive and reigns with you,

In the unity of the Holy Spirit,

One God, now and for ever.                                    Amen.


Services Today: 

08.00                      BCP Holy Communion

9.15 am                  Pre-Service Prayer

9.30 am               Holy Communion with Junior Church

11.00 am               Worship at St John’s, Weston Rhyn


We do extend a very warm welcome to all who are attending our services today. Please stay for refreshments afterwards if you can.


Readers List:

Sunday January 15th

08.00 am                               Mr Nick Barwell   

09.30 am                               Mrs Jean Burdess

Sunday January 22nd

08.00 am                         Mr Neil Brogden

09.30 am                         Mrs Anne Kynaston

Sidespersons Rota:

Sunday January 15th             Dai & Ellie Cartwright 

Sunday January 22nd        Albert & Beryl Stanley

Coffee Rota:

Sunday January 15th         Jean D, Vicky & Chris        

Sunday January 22nd        Ellie, Jean B. & Helpers


Flower List:

The new Flower List for 2012 is now available. If you would like to put your name against a date that has special meaning for you, please do so. Perhaps it’s a birthday, an anniversary or in remembrance of a loved one. If you are unable to arrange flowers for your special day, and would like to donate money towards them, Mrs Helen Case will be available to arrange them for you. Helen would also like to thank you all for the generous donations and for your help & support over the last year. Our flowers always look so special; it’s such an important part of our worship. Thank you.


Food Bank:

We are continuing to support the Oswestry Food Bank.                  If you would like to bring along items of produce and put them in the box provided, we would be most grateful. All food collected goes to families who are struggling financially in the Oswestry area.

Dates for Your Diaries:

Seminars & Workshop:

Bishop Mark invites us to a morning of special seminars and workshops on Prayer & Discipleship on Saturday 18th February between 09.30am – 12.30pm in Ellesmere.


Confirmation Service:

A Confirmation Service will be held on Sunday 25th March at St Martins Parish Church at 10.00 am with the Rt Revd. Mark Rylands, Bishop of Shrewsbury.

Parish of St Martins, Shropshire.


January 15th 2012                The Second Sunday of Epiphany

Diary for Coming Week & Beyond:


Tuesday 17th:

10.30 am               Coffee Morning in the Chapter House


Wednesday 18h:

9.30 am                  Holy Communion Service

10.30 -11.30 am       Surgery with our Vicar in the Chapter House

              (Pop in for a chat about any concern or just catch up)

2.00 pm                  Craft Guild meet in Chapter House

7.45 pm                                  Alpha Group Meeting at the Vicarage


Friday 20 th 

7.30 – 9.00 pm         Youth Alpha Meeting at the Vicarage


Services for Sunday January 22nd:  

8.00 am                  BCP Holy Communion

9.15 am                  Pre-Service Prayer

9.30 am                  Holy Communion with Junior Church

11.00 am               Worship at St John’s Weston Rhyn

7.00 pm                 Praise & Worship Evening at St John’s            


Alpha Group:

The Alpha Group will be meeting at the Vicarage on Wednesdays at 7.45 pm. If you are interested in joining the next Alpha course or joining a Homegroup, then please contact Stuart on 778468 or sjvicar@btinternet.com


Youth Group:

The Youth Group is starting up again and will be undertaking a Youth Alpha Course. This will be held at the Vicarage between 7.30-9.00 pm on Friday evenings during term-time.


Craft Guild:

The Craft Guild meets every Wednesday at 2.00 pm in the Chapter House. They meet to learn new crafts as they enjoy fellowship together. Why not come along and join in. Everyone welcome.


Praise & Worship Evening:

The next Praise and Worship Evening Service will be held on Sunday 22nd January at 7.00 pm at St Johns Weston Rhyn.


Women’s Fellowship:

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 24th January when we will be meeting in the Chapter House at 7.30 pm. This month 3 members will be sharing some of their life-time stories. Refreshments will be served. All welcome.


Bell Ringing Update:

“We were very lucky to have a full band for New Year’s Eve.                The band consisted of Will Lander, Jayne Hayball, Sophie Mullard, Brian & Helen Henson, & we were very fortunate to have Peter Woollam who completed the band. 2011 was rung out on half muffled bells. Will Lander rang the tenor for the twelve strokes of midnight, and the New Year was welcomed with the lovely sound of the unmuffled bells.  A quarter peal of Grandsire Doubles was rung on New Year’s Day to celebrate the New Year and Helen Henson’s 18th birthday. 2012 has started well with five new and keen ringers who will shortly be learning to ring a bell. We are always looking for new people to join us. So why not come along and have a look, or take one of our leaflets home to read. Our contact details are on the back.                On behalf of all the ringers, we would like to wish you all a happy and healthy new year.”                       Will and Jayne.

John & Joyce Sands:

We do extend our heartfelt sympathy to John and Joyce and all the family on the tragic loss of John’s great-nephew. May it comfort you to know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.

For Sunday 8th January 2012

A warm welcome to you all from our Vicar the Reverend Stuart Jermy.

Vicarage Tel No: 77 8468    Mobile: 07766255436

Email: sjvicar@btinternet.com  Please contact the vicar by phone or Email to arrange a time to meet to talk to him about wedding or baptism bookings.  Thank you.


Collect for  The First Sunday of Epiphany:

O God,

Who by the leading of a star

Manifested your only Son to the peoples of the earth:

Mercifully grant that we,

Who know you now by faith,

May at last behold your glory face to face;

Through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,

Who is alive and reigns with you,

In the unity of the Holy Spirit,

One God, now and for ever.                                              Amen.

Services Today: 

08.00                                     BCP Holy Communion

9.15 am                              Pre-Service Prayer

9.30 am                                Holy Communion

11.00 am                              Sunday First

11.00 am                           Worship at St John’s, Weston Rhyn


We do extend a very warm welcome to all who are attending our services today, especially those of you who are coming for the first time with their families. Please stay for refreshments afterwards if you can.


Readers List:

Sunday January 8th

08.00 am                              Mr Neil Brogden

09.30 am                              Mrs Caroline Selby

Sunday January 15th

08.00 am                              Mr Nick Barwell               

09.30 am                              Mrs Jean Burdess

Sidespersons Rota:

Sunday January 8th         Hannah & Valerie Thompson

Sunday January 15th          Dai & Ellie Cartwright 


Coffee Rota:

Sunday January 8th                Barbara & Elizabeth

Sunday January 15th       Jean D, Vicky & Chris        


Mr Bruce Selby:

Bruce would like to thank everyone for their enquiries and

get well messages during his recent illness. He really appreciated them and is now fully recovered.


Mr Roger McDonald:

Roger would like to send best wishes to all those members of the congregation who remember him.


Children’s Society Boxes:

The Children’s Society Boxes are now due to be opened and the money counted. Mr Len Vernon has once again kindly offered to take on the very important role of counting the money. We do say thank to Len. Please could you bring your boxes along to Church


Lowfield Fellowship:

Please note that the Lowfield Fellowship will                                    re-start, following the Christmas break, at the home of Bill & Myfanwy Dulson, on Friday 13th January at 10.00 am.

Parish of St Martins, Shropshire.


January 8th 2012                The  1st Sunday of Epiphany

Diary for Coming Week & Beyond:


Tuesday 10th:

10.30 am              Coffee Morning in the Chapter House


Wednesday 11th:

9.30 am                Holy Communion Service


Services for Sunday January 15th:  

8.00 am             BCP Holy Communion

9.15 am             Pre-Service Prayer

9.30 am             Holy Communion with Junior Church

11.00 am           Worship at St John’s Weston Rhyn


Sunday First Service:  

Our next Sunday First Service will be held today at 11.00 am. Why not stay and support and encourage the younger members of our congregation. All welcome.


PCC Meeting:

The next PCC Meeting will be held on Monday 23rd January at 7.30 pm in the Chapter House.


Men’s Fellowship Meal:

The Men’s Fellowship are sharing in a meal to be held on Thursday 26th January at The Queen’s Head at 7.00 pm.                 If you would like to come along and join in the Fellowship, please give your names to John Sands who will book a place for you. All welcome.


Epiphany Prayer:

Dear Lord,

As we start a new year, let us give thanks for all we hold dear: our health, our family and our friends.  We praise and thank you for the gifts in our lives, all gifts that come in all shapes and sizes. We stand amazed at the amount of your grace that is poured over us; step by step, year after year it remains the same and remains in immensity.


Let us release our grudges, our anger and our pains, for these are nothing but binding chains. Let us live each day in the most loving ways, the God-conscious way. Let us serve all who are in need, regardless of their race, colour or creed. Let us not forget the example Jesus showed to us with the way he lived. Help us all to work to show the love the way Jesus did for us.


Let us not forget how fortunate we are living in the warmth and comfort of our own homes. Let us not forget and let us be thankful to the engineers and others who ensure this by working through the night and through bad weather conditions for our benefit.


We pray for all the possible opportunities that may come in 2012.                  May we remember to praise and thank you for all the good and amazing things that happen this year. However we also pray for you to shower us with love, mercy and grace in the hard times that happen in 2012 too. You rejoice when your childrencome to you in joy and sadness, remind us to turn to you in all things.


May our year be filled with peace, prosperity and love. May God's blessings come upon us and bestow upon each of us a bright, healthy and peaceful New Year.                    Amen.


‘Prayers for Epiphany’    Sarah Morse

For Sunday 1st january 2012

A warm welcome to you all from our Vicar the Reverend Stuart Jermy.

Vicarage Tel No: 77 8468    Mobile: 07766255436

Email: sjvicar@btinternet.com  Please contact the vicar by phone or Email to arrange a time to meet to talk to him about wedding or baptism bookings.  Thank you.

A very Happy, Peaceful and Healthy New Year to you all.


Collect for the Second Sunday of Christmas:

Almighty God,

In the birth of your Son 

You have poured on us the new light of your incarnate Word,

And shown us the fullness of your love:

Help us to walk in his light and dwell in his love

That we may know the fullness of his joy;

Who is alive and reigns with you,

In the unity of the Holy Spirit,

One God, now and for ever.                              Amen.

Service Today: 

9.15 am                              Pre-Service Prayer

9.30 am                                Family Communion

We extend a very warm welcome to all who have come to share in our service today. Please stay for refreshments afterwards if you can. We also extend a warm welcome to Revd. Ann Netherwood who will be leading our service today. Thank you, Ann.

Readers List:

Sunday January 1st   

09.30 am                                 Miss Joyce Jones

Sunday January 8th

08.00 am                                       Mr Neil Brogden

09.30 am                                       Mrs Caroline Selby

Sidespersons Rota:

Sunday January 1st                    Bernie & Jane Ayres

Sunday January 8th                  Hannah & Valerie Thompson

Coffee Rota:

Sunday January 1st                  Albert & Beryl Stanley

Sunday January 8th                  Barbara & Elizabeth


C.T.O.D Schools Christian Worker Project Prayer Breakfasts:    

Please note the first Prayer Breakfast of the New Year will be held on Saturday 7th January at the home of John & Jill Field, 1 Lower Hafod, Hampton Park, Oswestry, SY11 2AJ. The Prayer Breakfast will start at 8.00 am. All are welcome. Please telephone Maria Palmer at the Christian Bookshop on 01691 661936 by Wednesday 4th January if you plan to attend. Thank you.


New Year Prayer:

O Lord,

As the years change, may we find rest in your eternal changelessness. Help us to meet this New Year bravely, in the faith that, while life changes all around us, you are always the same, guiding us with your wisdom and protecting us with your love;

Through our Saviour Jesus Christ.          Amen.


William Temple (1881-1944)





Parish of St Martins, Shropshire.


January 1st 2012     New Year’s Day


Diary for Coming Week & Beyond:


Tuesday 3rd

NO Coffee Morning


Wednesday 4th:

NO Holy Communion


Services for Sunday January 8th :  

8.00 am             BCP Holy Communion

9.15 am             Pre-Service Prayer

9.30 am             Holy Communion

11. 00 am             Sunday First

11.00 am           Worship at St John’s Weston Rhyn


Tuesday Coffee Mornings:

Please note there will be NO 10.30 am Coffee Morning on Tuesday 3rd January. The Coffee Mornings will restart on Tuesday 10th January.


Wednesday Morning Communion Services:

Please note there will be NO Wednesday Communion Service on Wednesday 4th January.  The services will         re-start on Wednesday 11th January.


Sunday First:

Our next Sunday First Service will be held on Sunday 8th January starting at 11.00 am. Do please tell your family and friends all about this Family Service, where we enjoy worship, music, stories, songs and fun.


PCC Meeting:

The next PCC Meeting will be held on Monday 23rd January at 7.30 pm in the Chapter House.


Men’s Fellowship Meal:

The Men’s Fellowship are sharing in a meal to be held on Thursday 26th January at The Queen’s Head at 7.00 pm.                 If you would like to come along and join in the Fellowship, please give your names to John Sands who will book a place for you. All welcome.


Children’s Society Boxes:

The Children’s Society Boxes are now due to be opened and the money counted. Mr Len Vernon has once again kindly offered to take on the very important role of counting the money. We do say thank to Len. Please could you bring your boxes along to Church


Christmas Services:

All of the Christmas Services have been well attended and much enjoyed. We raised £87.00 from the Christingle & Crib Service. The donkey was well behaved in Church, with a little mishap in the Chapter House, quickly dealt with by Dai Cartwright. Thank you to all who made up the Christingles and a special thank you to Albert & Beryl Stanley, who served up the mulled wine and mince pies, which were donated by the congregation.

The Midnight Candlelit Service was very much appreciated by all who attended as we welcomed some new faces too.

We do say a big thank you to all who helped in any way to make these services special for us all. It has been quite a busy time, but well worth it.

For Sunday 8th January 2012

A warm welcome to you all from our Vicar the Reverend Stuart Jermy.

Vicarage Tel No: 77 8468    Mobile: 07766255436

Email: sjvicar@btinternet.com  Please contact the vicar by phone or Email to arrange a time to meet to talk to him about wedding or baptism bookings.  Thank you.


Collect for  The First Sunday of Epiphany:

O God,

Who by the leading of a star

Manifested your only Son to the peoples of the earth:

Mercifully grant that we,

Who know you now by faith,

May at last behold your glory face to face;

Through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,

Who is alive and reigns with you,

In the unity of the Holy Spirit,

One God, now and for ever.                                              Amen.

Services Today: 

08.00                                     BCP Holy Communion

9.15 am                              Pre-Service Prayer

9.30 am                                Holy Communion

11.00 am                              Sunday First

11.00 am                           Worship at St John’s, Weston Rhyn


We do extend a very warm welcome to all who are attending our services today, especially those of you who are coming for the first time with their families. Please stay for refreshments afterwards if you can.


Readers List:

Sunday January 8th

08.00 am                              Mr Neil Brogden

09.30 am                              Mrs Caroline Selby

Sunday January 15th

08.00 am                              Mr Nick Barwell               

09.30 am                              Mrs Jean Burdess

Sidespersons Rota:

Sunday January 8th         Hannah & Valerie Thompson

Sunday January 15th          Dai & Ellie Cartwright 


Coffee Rota:

Sunday January 8th                Barbara & Elizabeth

Sunday January 15th       Jean D, Vicky & Chris        


Mr Bruce Selby:

Bruce would like to thank everyone for their enquiries and

get well messages during his recent illness. He really appreciated them and is now fully recovered.


Mr Roger McDonald:

Roger would like to send best wishes to all those members of the congregation who remember him.


Children’s Society Boxes:

The Children’s Society Boxes are now due to be opened and the money counted. Mr Len Vernon has once again kindly offered to take on the very important role of counting the money. We do say thank to Len. Please could you bring your boxes along to Church


Lowfield Fellowship:

Please note that the Lowfield Fellowship will                                    re-start, following the Christmas break, at the home of Bill & Myfanwy Dulson, on Friday 13th January at 10.00 am.

Parish of St Martins, Shropshire.


January 8th 2012                The  1st Sunday of Epiphany

Diary for Coming Week & Beyond:


Tuesday 10th:

10.30 am              Coffee Morning in the Chapter House


Wednesday 11th:

9.30 am                Holy Communion Service


Services for Sunday January 15th:  

8.00 am             BCP Holy Communion

9.15 am             Pre-Service Prayer

9.30 am             Holy Communion with Junior Church

11.00 am           Worship at St John’s Weston Rhyn


Sunday First Service:  

Our next Sunday First Service will be held today at 11.00 am. Why not stay and support and encourage the younger members of our congregation. All welcome.


PCC Meeting:

The next PCC Meeting will be held on Monday 23rd January at 7.30 pm in the Chapter House.


Men’s Fellowship Meal:

The Men’s Fellowship are sharing in a meal to be held on Thursday 26th January at The Queen’s Head at 7.00 pm.                 If you would like to come along and join in the Fellowship, please give your names to John Sands who will book a place for you. All welcome.


Epiphany Prayer:

Dear Lord,

As we start a new year, let us give thanks for all we hold dear: our health, our family and our friends.  We praise and thank you for the gifts in our lives, all gifts that come in all shapes and sizes. We stand amazed at the amount of your grace that is poured over us; step by step, year after year it remains the same and remains in immensity.


Let us release our grudges, our anger and our pains, for these are nothing but binding chains. Let us live each day in the most loving ways, the God-conscious way. Let us serve all who are in need, regardless of their race, colour or creed. Let us not forget the example Jesus showed to us with the way he lived. Help us all to work to show the love the way Jesus did for us.


Let us not forget how fortunate we are living in the warmth and comfort of our own homes. Let us not forget and let us be thankful to the engineers and others who ensure this by working through the night and through bad weather conditions for our benefit.


We pray for all the possible opportunities that may come in 2012.                  May we remember to praise and thank you for all the good and amazing things that happen this year. However we also pray for you to shower us with love, mercy and grace in the hard times that happen in 2012 too. You rejoice when your childrencome to you in joy and sadness, remind us to turn to you in all things.


May our year be filled with peace, prosperity and love. May God's blessings come upon us and bestow upon each of us a bright, healthy and peaceful New Year.                    Amen.


‘Prayers for Epiphany’    Sarah Morse

For Sunday 1st january 2012

A warm welcome to you all from our Vicar the Reverend Stuart Jermy.

Vicarage Tel No: 77 8468    Mobile: 07766255436

Email: sjvicar@btinternet.com  Please contact the vicar by phone or Email to arrange a time to meet to talk to him about wedding or baptism bookings.  Thank you.

A very Happy, Peaceful and Healthy New Year to you all.


Collect for the Second Sunday of Christmas:

Almighty God,

In the birth of your Son 

You have poured on us the new light of your incarnate Word,

And shown us the fullness of your love:

Help us to walk in his light and dwell in his love

That we may know the fullness of his joy;

Who is alive and reigns with you,

In the unity of the Holy Spirit,

One God, now and for ever.                              Amen.

Service Today: 

9.15 am                              Pre-Service Prayer

9.30 am                                Family Communion

We extend a very warm welcome to all who have come to share in our service today. Please stay for refreshments afterwards if you can. We also extend a warm welcome to Revd. Ann Netherwood who will be leading our service today. Thank you, Ann.

Readers List:

Sunday January 1st   

09.30 am                                 Miss Joyce Jones

Sunday January 8th

08.00 am                                       Mr Neil Brogden

09.30 am                                       Mrs Caroline Selby

Sidespersons Rota:

Sunday January 1st                    Bernie & Jane Ayres

Sunday January 8th                  Hannah & Valerie Thompson

Coffee Rota:

Sunday January 1st                  Albert & Beryl Stanley

Sunday January 8th                  Barbara & Elizabeth


C.T.O.D Schools Christian Worker Project Prayer Breakfasts:    

Please note the first Prayer Breakfast of the New Year will be held on Saturday 7th January at the home of John & Jill Field, 1 Lower Hafod, Hampton Park, Oswestry, SY11 2AJ. The Prayer Breakfast will start at 8.00 am. All are welcome. Please telephone Maria Palmer at the Christian Bookshop on 01691 661936 by Wednesday 4th January if you plan to attend. Thank you.


New Year Prayer:

O Lord,

As the years change, may we find rest in your eternal changelessness. Help us to meet this New Year bravely, in the faith that, while life changes all around us, you are always the same, guiding us with your wisdom and protecting us with your love;

Through our Saviour Jesus Christ.          Amen.


William Temple (1881-1944)





Parish of St Martins, Shropshire.


January 1st 2012     New Year’s Day


Diary for Coming Week & Beyond:


Tuesday 3rd

NO Coffee Morning


Wednesday 4th:

NO Holy Communion


Services for Sunday January 8th :  

8.00 am             BCP Holy Communion

9.15 am             Pre-Service Prayer

9.30 am             Holy Communion

11. 00 am             Sunday First

11.00 am           Worship at St John’s Weston Rhyn


Tuesday Coffee Mornings:

Please note there will be NO 10.30 am Coffee Morning on Tuesday 3rd January. The Coffee Mornings will restart on Tuesday 10th January.


Wednesday Morning Communion Services:

Please note there will be NO Wednesday Communion Service on Wednesday 4th January.  The services will         re-start on Wednesday 11th January.


Sunday First:

Our next Sunday First Service will be held on Sunday 8th January starting at 11.00 am. Do please tell your family and friends all about this Family Service, where we enjoy worship, music, stories, songs and fun.


PCC Meeting:

The next PCC Meeting will be held on Monday 23rd January at 7.30 pm in the Chapter House.


Men’s Fellowship Meal:

The Men’s Fellowship are sharing in a meal to be held on Thursday 26th January at The Queen’s Head at 7.00 pm.                 If you would like to come along and join in the Fellowship, please give your names to John Sands who will book a place for you. All welcome.


Children’s Society Boxes:

The Children’s Society Boxes are now due to be opened and the money counted. Mr Len Vernon has once again kindly offered to take on the very important role of counting the money. We do say thank to Len. Please could you bring your boxes along to Church


Christmas Services:

All of the Christmas Services have been well attended and much enjoyed. We raised £87.00 from the Christingle & Crib Service. The donkey was well behaved in Church, with a little mishap in the Chapter House, quickly dealt with by Dai Cartwright. Thank you to all who made up the Christingles and a special thank you to Albert & Beryl Stanley, who served up the mulled wine and mince pies, which were donated by the congregation.

The Midnight Candlelit Service was very much appreciated by all who attended as we welcomed some new faces too.

We do say a big thank you to all who helped in any way to make these services special for us all. It has been quite a busy time, but well worth it.

Parish of St Martins, Shropshire.

 for Sunday 30 October 2011

A warm welcome to you all from our Vicar the Reverend Stuart Jermy. Vicarage Tel No: 77 8468      Mobile: 07766255436

Email: sjvicar@btinternet.com

Please contact the vicar by phone or Email to arrange a time to meet to talk to him about wedding or baptism bookings.                  Thank you.


Collect for the Fourth Sunday Before Advent:

Almighty and eternal God,

You have kindled the flame of love in the hearts of the saints:

Grant to us the same faith and power of love,

That, as we rejoice in their triumphs,

We may be sustained by their example and fellowship;

Through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,

Who is alive and reigns with you,

In the unity of the Holy Spirit,

One God, now and for ever.       Amen.

Services Today:

8.00 am              BCP Holy Communion Service

9.15 am              Pre-Service Prayer

9.30 am              Holy Communion with Junior Church

11.00 am            Worship at St John’s Weston Rhyn

7.00 pm              Evening Praise & Worship Service


We do thank Revd. Ann Netherwood for leading both our Services today. This is much appreciated. We also extend a very warm welcome to all who have come along to our Service today. Please do stay for refreshments afterwards. Well done if you have remembered to come to Church wearing your hat /fascinator and for the gentlemen a buttonhole. You will be asked to pay £1 for the privilege of doing so, or incur a fine of £2 if you forgot.  All money raised will be sent to a charity working with service men & women who have been injured in the line of duty.

Readers List:

Sunday October 30th            

8.00 am                                     Mr Neil Brogden

9.30 am                                     Mrs Valerie Thompson

Sunday November 6th

08.00 am                                   Mr Nick Barwell

9.30 am                                     Mrs Elizabeth James

Sides Persons Rota:

Sunday October 30th               Albert & Beryl Stanley

Sunday November 6th             Bernie & Jane Ayres

Coffee Rota:

Sunday October 30th               Helen, Michelle & Sue

Sunday November 6th              Albert & Beryl Stanley


Thank you:

This morning we want to express our thanks to Alex Olah for all that he has done for St Martins Church whilst he has been Tower Captain. We do appreciate all the hard work that has been involved. We would like to take this opportunity to wish him well in his new endeavours.


Mrs. Evelyn Jones:

We extend our deepest sympathy to the family of Mrs. Evelyn Jones who passed away last Tuesday, 25th October. Evelyn used to worship with us regularly and she generously supported the Women’s Fellowship, the League of Friends and many other charities. She has spent the last few years at Ashgrove, a home she loved and in which she received devoted care. A service will be held at St Martins Church later on in November.



We will be welcoming the Bishop at the end of February 2012 to confirm some of our adults and young people. Do please speak to Stuart if you have not been confirmed and would like to be included.

A warm welcome to you all from our Vicar the Reverend Stuart Jermy. Vicarage Tel No: 77 8468      Mobile: 07766255436

Email: sjvicar@btinternet.com

Please contact the vicar by phone or Email to arrange a time to meet to talk to him about wedding or baptism bookings.                  Thank you.


Collect for the Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity:

Almighty and everlasting God,

Increase in us your gift of faith that,

Forsaking what lies behind

And reaching out to that which is before,

We may run the way of your commandments

And win the crown of everlasting joy;

Through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,

Who is alive and reigns with you,

In the unity of the Holy Spirit,

One God, now and for ever.    Amen.

Services Today:

8.00 am              BCP Holy Communion Service

9.15 am              Pre-Service Prayer

9.30 am              Compassion Sunday

11.00 am            Worship at St John’s Weston Rhyn

We extend a very warm welcome to all who have come along to our Compassion Sunday Service today, as Junior Church and their leaders remember the children they have sponsored over the past year. Please do stay for refreshments afterwards.


Readers List:

Sunday October 23rd

8.00 am                                   Mr Nick Barwell

9.30 am                                   Compassion Sunday

Sunday October 30th            

8.00 am                                     Mr Neil Brogden

9.30 am                                     Mrs Valerie Thompson

Sides Persons Rota:

Sunday October 23rd             Barbara & Elizabeth

Sunday October 30th             Albert & Beryl Stanley

Coffee Rota:

Sunday October 23rd            Ellie, Jean B & helpers.

Sunday October 30th            Helen, Michelle & Sue


Church Drama Group:    Please note we will be holding a short meeting after Church this morning, to discuss forthcoming performances.

Lantern Parade:       There is to be a Lantern Parade at Ifton Meadows Nature Reserve on Saturday 29th October. Ifton Colliery Band will lead the Parade starting from the Colliery/ Main Entrance at 6.30pm.

Free Lantern Making Workshop:   If you missed the workshop yesterday there will be a further one at St Martins Community Centre on Wednesday 26th October between 11.00 am – 5.00 pm. Last lantern started at 4.00 pm. 


Thank you:

This morning we want to express our thanks to Alex Olah for all that he has done for St Martins Church whilst he has been Tower Captain. We do appreciate all the hard work that has been involved. We would like to take this opportunity to wish him well in his new endeavors.


Special Birthdays:

We send our love, prayers & good wishes to two members of our congregation who will be celebrating special birthdays this week. Mr Neil Brogden will be seventy & Mrs Pat Manford will be eighty! We pray that you will continue to keep active & in good health, and by the way, neither of you look your age!                               God Bless.


Clocks:  Do remember that next weekend, 3oth October, British Summer Time ends & we put our clocks back by one hour!

 October 23rd                Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity


Diary for Coming Week & Beyond:

Monday 24th:

2.00 pm                     Shema Bible Study Group meet at the home

                                   of Mrs Helen Evans, Cedar Close.


Tuesday 25th:

10.30 am                   Coffee Morning in the Chapter House

7.30 pm                     Women’s Fellowship in the Chapter House


Wednesday 26th:

9.30 am                      Holy Communion Service

10.30 -11.30 am       Surgery with our Vicar in the Chapter House

              (Pop in for a chat about any concern or just catch up)

2.00 pm                     Craft Guild in the Chapter House.


Sunday Services for 30th October:

8.00 am                    BCP Holy Communion Service

9.15 am                    Pre-Service Prayer

9.30 am                    “Hats & Buttonholes”

11.00 am                 Worship at St John’s Weston Rhyn

7.00 pm                    Evening Praise & Worship Service.


Women’s Fellowship: Our next meeting will be this Tuesday 25th October at 7.30 pm in the Chapter house when the Revd. Ben Parry will give a talk entitled “My Life in the Guards”. All welcome.

Men’s Fellowship: (Cancelled) Please note that the meeting originally planned for Thursday 27th October will NOT now take place. This is because so many people are away. Thank you for understanding.

Hats & Buttonholes: Don’t forget, next Sunday, 30th October, we are asking all the ladies to wear a hat or a fascinator and the gentlemen to wear a buttonhole to church. However, there is a catch. Everyone is asked to pay £1.00 for the privilege of doing so, or incur a £2.00 “fine”, if you forget! All the money raised will be sent to a charity working with service men and women who have been injured in the line of duty.


Evening Praise & Worship Service:   Please note our next Evening Praise & Worship Service will be next Sunday 30th October at 7.00 pm here at St Martins Parish Church.


Churches Together Schools Christian Worker Project Prayer Breakfasts: Please note the next Prayer Breakfast will be hosted, on behalf of St Mary’s Church, Selattyn, by John & Caroline       Piffe-Phelps at The Gables, 3 Pant Glas, in Oswestry on Saturday 5th November. The Prayer Breakfast will start at 8.00 am. All are welcome. Please telephone 01691 662170 by the Wednesday before if you are able to attend.


Sunday First Service:    Our next Sunday First Service will be held on Sunday 6th November at 11.00 am. This is a different 30 minute service for families, with music, stories, songs & fun. Why not tell your friends and neighbours all about it and encourage the younger members of our congregation. All welcome.


Remembrance Sunday:  Please note there will be NO 9.30 am. Service at Church on Sunday 13th November. However there will be a BCP Holy Communion Service at 8.30 am. There will also be a service at the Cenotaph starting at 10.40 am.


Autumn Fayre:  This takes place on Saturday 19th November and will once again have a Victorian theme, which proved to be so successful last year. If you have any items suitable for one of the stalls or a raffle prize, or are able to help, please do see Caroline or Joyce.

A warm welcome to you all from our Vicar the Reverend Stuart Jermy.

Vicarage Tel No: 77 8468      Mobile: 07766255436

Email: sjvicar@btinternet.com

Please contact the vicar by phone or Email to arrange a time to meet to talk to him about wedding or baptism bookings.                  Thank you.


Collect for the Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity:

Almighty God,

You have made us for yourself,

And our hearts are restless till they find their rest in you:

Pour your love into our hearts and draw us to yourself,

And so bring us at last to your heavenly city

Where we shall see you face to face;

Through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,

Who is alive and reigns with you,

In the unity of the Holy Spirit,

One God, now and for ever.        Amen


Services Today:

8.00 am              BCP Holy Communion Service

9.15 am              Pre-Service Prayer

9.30 am              Holy Communion Service with Junior Church

11.00 am            Worship at St John’s Weston Rhyn


We extend a very warm welcome to all who have come along to our Service today. Please do stay for refreshments afterwards.


Readers List:

Sunday October 16th

8.00 am

9.30 am                                   Mrs Helen Molesworth

Sunday October 23rd

8.00 am                                   Mr Nick Barwell

9.30 am                                   Compassion Sunday

Sides Persons Rota:

Sunday October 16th             Pete & Di Roberts

Sunday October 23rd             Barbara & Elizabeth

Coffee Rota:

Sunday October 16th            Jean D. Vicky & Chris

Sunday October 23rd            Ellie, Jean B & helpers.


“Hungry For God”:

Would you like to attend a day of worship, teaching and discussion? There is to be a Study Day that will take place on Saturday 19th November at Bayston Hill. Between 9.30 am – 3.20pm.  The keynote speakers will be Alistair Magowan- the Bishop of Ludlow & Paul Thomas – Archdeacon of Salop. If you are interested, please take one of the leaflets/ booking forms available.

St Martins Cycle Ride & Stride:

We would like to say a very big thank you to Bruce Selby who cycled 60 miles around the area on Saturday 8th October to raise funds for St Martins Church. He did this in a time of 4 hours, despite having two spokes breaking in Ellesmere, which resulted in him completing the ride with no rear brakes!!. To date, he has raised just over £100.00. Well done, Bruce.  If anyone would like to add to that amount, please see Bruce or Caroline. Thank you to all those who have sponsored Bruce thus far.   Meanwhile our Vicar, Stuart and his son, Rafael were hoping to do their bit by walking yesterday afternoon. Please do sponsor them if you can.


Church Drama Group:

The Church Drama group meeting originally planned for Wednesday 19th October will now take place after Church on Sunday 23rd October. This is to accommodate those unable to make a mid-week meeting. Do please come along for fun, fellowship and worship.


Parish of St Martins, Shropshire.


 October 16th                Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity


Diary for Coming Week & Beyond:

Monday 17th:

2.00 pm                     Shema Bible Study Group meet at the home

                                   of Mrs Helen Evans, Cedar Close.

Tuesday 18th:

10.30 am                   Coffee Morning in the Chapter House


Wednesday 19th:

9.30 am                      Holy Communion Service

10.30 -11.30 am       Surgery with our Vicar in the Chapter House

              (Pop in for a chat about any concern or just catch up)

2.00 pm                     Craft Guild in the Chapter House


Sunday Services for 23rd October:

8.00 am                    BCP Holy Communion Service

9.15 am                    Pre-Service Prayer

9.30 am                    Compassion Sunday

11.00 am                 Worship at St John’s Weston Rhyn


Compassion Sunday:

Next Sunday 23rd October, at our 9.30 am service, we will be remembering the children we have sponsored over the past year. The leaders of our Junior Church will be sharing with us and leading our worship.


Evening Praise & Worship Service:

Please note our next Evening Praise & Worship Service originally planned for Sunday 23rd October will now take place on Sunday 30th October at 7.00 pm here at St Martins Parish Church.


Women’s Fellowship:

The next meeting will be on Tuesday 25th October at 7.30 pm in the Chapter house when the Revd. Ben Parry will give a talk entitled “My Life in the Guards”. All welcome.


Men’s Fellowship:

The next meeting will be on Thursday 27th October at 7.30 pm in the Chapter House. This is to be led by Canon Tony Sparham.


Hats & Buttonholes:

We are asking all the ladies to wear a hat or a fascinator and the gentlemen to wear a buttonhole to church on Sunday 30th October. However, there is a catch. Everyone is asked to pay £1.00 for the privilege of doing so, or incur a £2.00 “fine”, if you forget! All the money raised will be sent to a charity working with service men and women who have been injured in the line of duty. Please watch this space for further details.


Sunday First Service:

Our next Sunday First Service will be held on Sunday 6th November at 11.00 am. This is a refreshingly different 30 minute Service for families, with stories, music, songs and laughter; and afterwards with coffee, pastries & activities in the Chapter House. Why not tell your friends and neighbours all about it and encourage the younger members of our congregation. All welcome.


Autumn Fayre:

This takes place on Saturday 19th November and will once again have a Victorian theme, which proved to be so successful last year. If you have any items suitable for one of the stalls or a raffle prize, or are able to help, please do see Caroline or Joyce. Thank you.



A warm welcome to you all from our Vicar the Reverend Stuart Jermy.

Vicarage Tel No: 77 8468      Mobile: 07766255436

Email: sjvicar@btinternet.com

Please contact the vicar by phone or Email to arrange a time to meet to talk to him about wedding or baptism bookings.                  Thank you.


Harvest Collect:

Eternal God,

You crown the year with your goodness

And you give us the fruits of the earth in their season:

Grant that we may use them to your glory,

For the relief of those in need and for our own well-being;

Through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,

Who is alive and reigns with you,

In the unity of the Holy Spirit,

One God, now and forever.      Amen.


Services Today:

8.00 am              BCP Holy Communion Service

9.15 am              Pre-Service Prayer

9.30 am              Harvest Festival Service

11.00 am            Worship at St John’s Weston Rhyn


Today, we extend a very warm welcome to all who have come along to our Harvest Festival Service. Please do stay for refreshments afterwards.


Readers List:

Sunday October 9th

8.00 am                                  Mr Nick Barwell

9.30 am                                  Harvest Festival

Sunday October 16th

8.00 am

9.30 am                                   Mrs Helen Molesworth

Sides Persons Rota:

Sunday October 9th              Bruce & Caroline Selby

Sunday October 16th             Pete & Di Roberts

Coffee Rota:

Sunday October 9th              Barbara & Elizabeth

Sunday October 16th            Jean D. Vicky & Chris


“Hungry For God”:

Would you like to attend a day of worship, teaching and discussion where we can attend workshops to learn how to grow in prayer and find out what resources are available to help us so that we can reach out to our parish and make a difference to the community, and much more besides? The study day will take place on Saturday 19th November at Bayston Hill. Between 9.30 am – 3.20pm.  The keynote speakers will be Alistair Magowan- the Bishop of Ludlow & Paul Thomas – Archdeacon of Salop. If you are interested, please take one of the leaflets/ booking forms available.


Harvest Prayer:

We see signs of summer's passing in golden leaves,
shortening days, misty mornings, autumn glow.
We sense its passing in rain that dampens,
winds that chill, Harvest's bounty placed on show.
Creator God, who brings forth
both green shoot and hoar frost,
sunrise and sunset,
we bring our thanks
for seeds that have grown, harvests gathered,
storehouses filled, mouths fed.
And, as your good earth rests
through winter's cold embrace,
we look forward to its re-awakening
when kissed by spring’s first touch.  Amen.

 October 9th               Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity


Diary for Coming Week & Beyond:

Monday 10th :

2.00 pm                     Shema Bible Study Group meet at the home

                                   of Mrs Helen Evans, Cedar Close.

Tuesday 11th:

10.30 am                   Coffee Morning in the Chapter House


Wednesday 12th:

9.30 am                      Holy Communion Service

10.30 -11.30 am       Surgery with our Vicar in the Chapter House

              (Pop in for a chat about any concern or just catch up)

2.00 pm                     Craft Guild in the Chapter House


Sunday Services for 16th October:

8.00 am                    BCP Holy Communion Service

9.15 am                    Pre-Service Prayer

9.30 am                    Holy Communion Service

11.00 am                 Worship at St John’s Weston Rhyn


Thank You:

May we offer a very big thank you to everyone who helped in decorating our church for the Harvest Festival Service.                       The church looks really beautiful and we do appreciate all the hard work involved. Thank you everyone.


Harvest Gifts:

Thank you so much for the harvest gifts that you have brought today. This year we would like to donate these items to the Oswestry & District Food Bank. This is an organization which provides emergency food and support to local families in the Oswestry area who are in crisis and are struggling to put food on the table. Thank you.    


**Please Note: Our Harvest Supper which is traditionally held the Monday after Harvest Festival will not be held tomorrow, this is due to so many people being away on holiday. However, an alternative social event has been arranged for later in the year. More details to follow.


Compassion Sunday:

On Sunday 23rd October, at our 9.30 am service, we will be remembering the children we have sponsored over the past year. The leaders of our Junior Church will be sharing with us and leading our worship.


Evening Worship:

Our next Evening Worship Service will take place on Sunday                         23 rd. October at 7.00 pm here at St Martins Parish Church.


Sunday First Service:

Our next Sunday First Service will be held on Sunday 6th November at 11.00 am. This is a refreshingly different 30 minute Service for families, with stories, music, songs and laughter; and afterwards with coffee, pastries & activities in the Chapter House. Why not tell your friends and neighbours all about it and encourage the younger members of our congregation. All welcome.


PCC Meeting:               (Advance Notice)

Our next PCC meeting will be held on Tuesday 8th November in the Chapter House at 7.30 pm.


A warm welcome to you all from our Vicar the Reverend Stuart Jermy. Vicarage Tel No: 77 8468      Mobile: 07766255436

Email: sjvicar@btinternet.com

Please contact the vicar by phone or Email to arrange a time to meet to talk to him about wedding or baptism bookings.                  Thank you.


Collect Prayer for the Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity.

God, who in generous mercy sent the Holy Spirit

Upon your Church in the burning fire of your love:

Grant that your people may be fervent

In the fellowship of the gospel

That, always abiding in you,

They may be found steadfast in faith and active in service;

Through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,

Who is alive and reigns with you,

In the unity of the Holy Spirit,

One God, now and for ever.    Amen.


Services Today:

8.00 am              BCP Holy Communion Service

9.15 am              Pre-Service Prayer

9.30 am              Back to Church Sunday

11.00 am            Sunday First

11.00 am            Worship at St John’s Weston Rhyn


Today, we extend a very warm welcome to all who have come along to this morning’s service and to our Sunday First service. Please do stay for refreshments afterwards.


Readers List:

Sunday October 2nd

8.00 am                                  Mr Neil Brogden

Sunday October 9th

8.00 am                                  Mr Nick Barwell

9.30 am                                  Mr Brian Case

Sides Persons Rota:

Sunday October 2nd             Terry & Lilian Goble

Sunday October 9th              Bruce & Caroline Selby

Coffee Rota:

Sunday October 2nd              Albert & Beryl Stanley

Sunday October 9th              Barbara & Elizabeth


Compassion Sunday:

On Sunday 23rd October, at our 9.30 am service, we will be remembering the children we have sponsored over the past year. The leaders of our Junior Church will be sharing with us and leading our worship.

 Thank you:

A big thank you to Bill Dulson & Peter Roberts for giving urgent attention to the church roof by clearing the rain gullies, marking all the lead on the roof with smart water and for repairing the snow-boards. The gates have also been repaired; however, we do now need some very kind person to paint them with black Amorite paint. Any volunteers?

 “Harvest Wrappings”

God hides his living seeds in rosy apples, ripening pears and juicy oranges; in red tomatoes, rounded swedes and long, green dangling runner beans. To hang the trees with purple plums God sends the sun and rain in bouts, and vines with luscious grapes are decked while fields yield broccoli and sprouts.

As harvest-time returns, the varied ways in which God wraps life-giving seeds make for a colourful display of fruit and flowers of every kind; beauty of pattern and design. This is a feast for all to share, filling our hearts with gratitude for God’s incessant love and care.

So when, in many lands, we eat the fruit and sow the seeds in partnership with God, He feeds us with delicious food, renewing body, mind and soul, and blesses us in many ways. Then we, in glad responsive love, give Him joyful thanks and praise.           Beryl Chatfield

Parish of St Martins, Shropshire.


 October 2nd              Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity


Diary for Coming Week & Beyond:

Monday 3rd:

2.00 pm                     Shema Bible Study Group meet at the home

                                   of Mrs Helen Evans, Cedar Close.

Tuesday 4th:

10.30 am                   Coffee Morning in the Chapter House

 Wednesday 5th:

9.30 am                      Holy Communion Service

10.30 -11.30 am       Surgery with our Vicar in the Chapter House

              (Pop in for a chat about any concern or just catch up)

2.00 pm                     Craft Guild AGM in the Chapter House


Saturday 8th :

10.00 am                   Decorate Church for Harvest Festival

                                    Cycle Ride & Walk (See note)


Sunday Services for 9th October:

8.00 am                    BCP Holy Communion Service

9.15 am                    Pre-Service Prayer

9.30 am                    Harvest Festival11.00                       

11.00 am                 Worship at St John’s Weston Rhyn


Sunday First Service:

Our next Sunday First Service will be held Today, Sunday 2nd October at 11.00 am. This is a refreshingly different 30 minute Service for families, with stories, music, songs and laughter; and afterwards with coffee, pastries & activities in the Chapter House. Why not stay and encourage the younger members of our congregation. All welcome.

 Craft Guild AGM:

Please note: the Craft Guild will be holding their AGM this Wednesday 5th October at 2.00 pm in the Chapter House.

 Decoration of Church for Harvest Festival:

This coming Saturday 8th October, we will be meeting at 10.00 am to decorate our Church for Harvest. All help needed please.

 Sponsored Cycle Ride & Walk:

If you would like to sponsor either Bruce or Stuart who will be undertaking a cycle ride in aid of St Martins Parish Church next Saturday 8th October, please see them today. Alternatively, if you would like to take part in the walk, please see Jane Ayres for details. Thank you.

 Harvest Festival Service:           

Our Harvest Festival Service will take place next Sunday 9th October at 9.30 am, when we will give thanks to God for all his goodness to us.

**Please Note: Our Harvest Supper which is traditionally held the Monday after Harvest Festival will not be held on 10th October this year, but at a later date to be confirmed. This is due to so many people being away on holidays. Thank you for understanding.

 Harvest Gifts:

We would appreciate, please, any items of dried, tinned or jars of good quality food for our Harvest Festival this year, as we would like to donate these items to the Oswestry & District Food Bank. This is an organization which provides emergency food and support to local families in the Oswestry area who are in crisis and are struggling to put food on the table. Thank you.                   

 PCC Meeting:               (Advance Notice)

Our next PCC meeting will be held on Tuesday 8th November in the Chapter House at 7.30 pm.

Collect Prayer for the Twelfth Sunday after Trinity.

Almighty and everlasting God,

You are always more ready to hear than we to pray

And to give more than either we desire or deserve:

Pour down upon us the abundance of your mercy,

Forgiving us those things of which our conscience is afraid

And giving us those good things which we are not worthy to ask

But through the merits and mediation of Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,

Who is alive and reigns with you,

In the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.  Amen.


Services Today:

8.00 am              BCP Holy Communion Service

9.15 am              Pre-Service Prayer

9.30 am              Holy Communion Service with Junior Church

11.00 am            Worship at St John’s Weston Rhyn


This afternoon, Seren Lucy Ward-Batha is to be baptized in our church. Please do pray for her and her family as she begins her journey of faith.


Readers List:

Sunday September 11th

8.00 am                                Mr Nick Barwell

9.30 am                                Mr Bruce Selby

Sunday September 18th

8.00 am                                 Mr Neil Brogden

9.30 am                                 Mrs Jean Burdess

Sides Persons Rota:

Sunday September 11th     Hannah & Valerie Thompson

 Sunday September 18th     Dai & Ellie Cartwright

Coffee Rota:

Sunday September 11th     Barbara & Elizabeth

Sunday September 18th     Jean D, Vicky & Chris

Flower List:

Would you like to either donate money towards, or arrange flowers for our weekly worship? It is such an important part of our worship that the flowers continue to look so beautiful.                Mrs Helen Case always makes sure to arrange flowers when there are empty spaces on our flower list. If you would like to help, please put your name against a date that is important to you. It would be greatly appreciated. Please do have a word with Helen about this. Thank you.

 Sailors Society:

We have received a letter thanking the congregation of St Martins Church for the donation of £75.00, which was raised at the Sea Sunday Service. Revd. David Potterton, Principal Chaplain to the Sailors Society says, “Thank you for giving and for praying. Thank you for remembering us.” 

 Ifton School:

Our Vicar asks “Please pray for Ifton School. It would be a great loss to the village if the proposed plans go ahead. I have assured Mrs Bradley, the Head Teacher that we are praying for her, the staff and the children and their future wellbeing “. He also asks that we pray for guidance as the school seeks academy status, and also for the morale of the staff, children and parents.            Stuart also asks for prayer as he carries out assemblies this September and for the school visit on Monday 19th September when he will talk about belonging to the Christian faith. Could we also continue to pray for the staff, children & parents at Rhyn Park School.

For more information about the Church here is a link to their website